Market access

AMIA work with a range of bodies and organisations to maximise market access opportunities for Australian mangoes, both domestically and internationally. Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) is responsible for managing Australia’s biosecurity system. They negotiate new market access and amendments to current access for Australian mango exports and imports on behalf of the Australian mango industry. For more information on market access protocols please contact AMIA. For more information on biosecurity, please visit the biosecurity section of this website.


There are market access arrangements in place to import mangoes into the Australian market from countries with counter-seasonal production to Australia.

Processed mango products can be imported into Australia without restriction. Imported processed product usually takes the form of juice, purees and canned product.

Please note we do not provide advice on importing mangoes to Australia. If you would like to import mangoes to Australia, please visit:


Approximately 12% (7000 tonnes) of the Australian crop is exported on an annual basis. Australia’s key export markets include Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates. The industry undertakes marketing in many of these countries to encourage demand of Australian mangoes. Currently, Australia is negotiating access for fresh Australian mangoes to a number of other key markets.

Please note we cannot provide contact details of importers/exporters directly due to privacy laws. To find an importer or exporter, please visit

To complete your online registration for protocol markets please follow the links below:

A new mango export strategy project (MG21000) was launched in early 2022, the purpose of this project was to develop a five-year export strategy for the mango industry to support growth in exports, ensure the ability to maintain and increase global market share, build export capacity and capability, and provide necessary connections and support to relevant stakeholders across the export supply chain.

The project has now finished and aimed to identify and prioritise opportunities for mangoes in international markets and provide the domestic industry with the information needed to guide future activities, including potential investment into export initiatives.

As part of this project a workshop was held in late February with mango industry stakeholders. Thanks to all of those that attended and provided input. You can now view resources generated from this project below:

Domestic market

Approximately 88% of the Australian crop is consumed domestically. Of this, approximately 85% is marketed through the ‘fresh’ supply chain and the remainder is utilised by the processing sector.

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