Before contacting AMIA, please read below for some of the most commonly asked questions. If you still can’t find the information you are looking for, head to our contact page.


For work on farm or in the pack shed consider the following resources:


State specific

  • QLD – For information about licensed labour hire providers click here.

We do not collect CVs/resumes to provide to farms and cannot give out grower details due to privacy.

We accept CVs/resumes for positions on our Executive team, and will be in touch should a position become available that is relevant to your skill set.  

You can find information in our resources library, in our publications (Mango Matters, My Mango or The Slice) or by looking at the ‘our industry’ page.

You can also visit the consumer facing website: https://mangoes.net.au/.

For other statistics you may want to view the Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook.

As the peak industry body for the Australian mango industry our aim is to support our members and the commercial Australian Mango Industry. While we support the broader mango industry and those growing mangoes for fun, we do not have the resource to provide advice to you.

There is a lot of information available on our website. You can find information in our resources library, in our publications (Mango Matters, My Mango or The Slice) or by looking at the ‘our industry’ page

You may also want to visit the Department of Agriculture website or one of the following state/territory department pages:

Your local nursery may also have some useful advice. 

There is information about some of the main mango varieties available in Australia located here.

We cannot give out grower details due to privacy and we do not have the resource to support general visits to mango farms.

If you are involved in the industry and want to connect with industry stakeholders you may want to consider attending our regular events such as roadshows to engage with industry stakeholders, however we would appreciate notice that you would like to attend. To keep up to date with industry events subscribe to our publications here.

We cannot give out grower details due to privacy.

If you are involved in the industry and want to connect with industry stakeholders you may want to consider attending our regular events such as roadshows to engage with industry stakeholders, however we would appreciate notice that you would like to attend. To keep up to date with industry events subscribe to our publications here.

You can also advertise in our quarterly publication Mango Matters, which is circulated to approximately 1,500 industry stakeholders. For further information click here.

The Australian Mango Industry Association (AMIA) is the peak industry body for the Australian mango industry. We do not sell mangoes directly and cannot give out grower details due to privacy.

We recommend visiting your local retailer, greengrocer or farmers market from August-March when Australian mangoes are in season. You can also check out your local wholesale market.

We suggest you get in touch with one of the nurseries that regularly advertise in Mango Matters. Click the latest publication to find out more.



State specific

  • QLD – For information about licensed labour hire providers click here.

Thanks to our generous sponsors and Ausmarket, we are able to provide some information on prices throughout the season. Click here.

For more detailed pricing you can subscribe by completing this form.

Please note we are unable to supply any other information due to copyright legislation.

Please contact Ausmarket directly if you require further information: E: ausinspect@outlook.com or admin@ausmarket.com.au.

To sponsor our wholesale market prices (usually organised in July each year) get in touch with our Communication Manager, E: com@mangoes.net.au.

We cannot give out grower details due to privacy.

You can advertise in our quarterly publication Mango Matters, which is circulated to approximately 1,500 industry stakeholders. For further information click here.

We also now have a processors page, which growers can visit to get contact details of processors. To have your details featured on this page, get in touch with our Communication Manager, E: com@mangoes.net.au.

Unfortunately, we do not offer advertising in our weekly newsletter My Mango, due to space. However, if you have relevant information, we will consider editorial submissions on a case by case basis. 

To enquire get in touch with our Communication Manager, E: com@mangoes.net.au.

Businesses are also welcome to attend our regular events such as roadshows to engage with industry stakeholders, however we would appreciate notice that you would like to attend. To keep up to date with industry events subscribe to our publications here.

There are market access arrangements in place to import mangoes into the Australian market from countries with counter-seasonal production to Australia.

Processed mango products can be imported into Australia without restriction. Imported processed product usually takes the form of juice, purees and canned product.

Please note we do not provide advice on importing mangoes to Australia. If you would like to import mangoes to Australia, please visit: https://www.agriculture.gov.au/import/goods/food.

We do not sell mangoes directly and cannot provide contact details of importers/exporters directly due to privacy laws. To find an importer or exporter, please visit https://www.horticulturetrade.com.au/.


For consumer media enquiries during the season please contact mangoes@elevenpr.com.au. For any industry or out of season enquiries please contact our Communication Manager or CEO. Contact details here.

We have a limited image library and it depends what you are using these images for. Please contact our Communication Manager we will see what we can do. 


You can advertise in our quarterly publication Mango Matters, which is circulated to approximately 1,500 industry stakeholders. For further information click here.

Unfortunately, we do not offer advertising in our weekly newsletter My Mango, due to space. However, if you have relevant information, we will consider editorial submissions on a case by case basis.

We have some other sponsorship opportunities available. Such as sponsorship of wholesale market prices (usually organised in July each year) and sponsorship opportunities at our biennial conference (please note the next one is not scheduled for 2021, however we hope to host one in 2022).  

To enquire get in touch with our Communication Officer, E: com@mangoes.net.au.

Businesses are also welcome to attend our regular events such as roadshows to engage with industry stakeholders, however we would appreciate notice that you would like to attend. 

As we are a ‘not-for-profit’ company we do not have budget for sponsorship and therefore are unable to fulfil these types of requests.

We receive funding for marketing through Hort Innovation for specific pre-approved projects/events, such as Mango Mess-tival and are not ‘sponsors’ of these events. 

As we are a ‘not-for-profit’ company we do not have budget to fulfil these types of requests.

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